

The Drunkard’s Progress (стадии пьянства)

Filed under: Uncategorized — Метки: , , , , — ivgnnm @ 4:53 пп

Author Nathaniel Currier (1813–1888)
Date 1846
Description The Drunkard’s Progress
Step 1. A glass with a friend.
Step 2. A glass to keep the cold out. (Стакан на случай холодов)
Step 3. A glass too much.
Step 4. Drunk and riotous. (Пьяный и буйный)
Step 5. The summit attained. Jolly companions. A confirmed drunkard. (Горький пьяница)
Step 6. Poverty and disease. (Нищета и болезни)
Step 7. Forsaken by Friends. (Забытый друзьями)
Step 8. Desperation and crime. (Отчаяние и преступление)
Step 9. Death by suicide.

These charts come from The Alcoholic Republic: An American Tradition by W.J. Rorabaugh, an analysis of how totally trashed we were in Colonial times. In 1770, the average per capita intake of distilled spirits (whiskey, rum, gin and brandy) was 3.4 gallons; by 1830, the per capita intake exceeded 5 gallons.. The average adult male was imbibing half a pint of spirits per day. When you see the chart take a dip in the 1840s, that’s the temperance movement. Today, we clock in at under two gallons per capita.


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